Ask Anything: 2016-08-07

  1. Colmou A. Estrogens and vascular thrombosis. Soins Gynecol Obstet Pueric Pediatr. 1982 Sep;(16):39-41.

  2. Abbott RD, Launer LJ, Rodriguez BL, et al. Serum estradiol and risk of stroke in elderly men. Neurology. 2007 Feb 20;68(8):563-8.

  3. Tivesten A, Hulthe J, Wallenfeldt K, et al. Circulating estradiol is an independent predictor of progression of carotid artery intima-media thickness in middle-aged men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006 Nov;91(11):4433-7.

  4. Mohamad MJ, Mohammad MA, Karayyem M, Hairi A, Hader AA. Serum levels of sex hormones in men with acute myocardial infarction. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2007 Apr;28(2):182-6.

  5. Vermeulen A, Kaufman JM, Goemaere S, van Pottelberg, I. Estradiol in elderly men. Aging Male. 2002 Jun;5(2):98-102.

  6. Dunajska K, Milewicz A, Szymczak J, et al. Evaluation of sex hormone levels and some metabolic factors in men with coronary atherosclerosis. Aging Male. 2004 Sep;7(3):197-204.

  7. Wranicz JK, Cygankiewicz I, Rosiak M, et al. The relationship between sex hormones and lipid profile in men with coronary artery disease. Int J Cardiol. 2005 May 11;101(1):105-10.

  8. Tivesten A, Mellstrom D, Jutberger H, et al. Low serum testosterone and high serum estradiol associate with lower extremity peripheral arterial disease in elderly men. The MrOS Study in Sweden. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2007 Sep 11;50(11):1070-6.

  9. Tengstrand B, Carlstrom K, Fellander-Tsai L, Hafstrom I. Abnormal levels of serum dehydroepiandrosterone, estrone, and estradiol in men with rheumatoid arthritis: high correlation between serum estradiol and current degree of inflammation. J Rheumatol. 2003 Nov;30(11):2338-43.

  10. Stork S, Bots ML, Grobbee DE, van der Schouw YT. Endogenous sex hormones and C-reactive protein in healthy postmenopausal women. J Intern Med. 2008 Mar 12.

  11. Zegura B, Guzic-Salobir B, Sebestjen M, Keber I. The effect of various menopausal hormone therapies on markers of inflammation, coagulation, fibrinolysis, lipids, and lipoproteins in healthy postmenopausal women. Menopause. 2006 Jul;13(4):643-50.

  12. Hemelaar M, Kenemans P, Schalkwijk CG, Braat DD, van der Mooren MJ. No increase in C-reactive protein levels during intranasal compared to oral hormone therapy in healthy post-menopausal women. Hum Reprod. 2006 Jun;21(6):1635-42.

  13. Tripathi Y, Hegde BM. Serum estradiol and testosterone levels following acute myocardial infarction in men. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 1998 Apr;42(2):291-4.

  14. Pugh PJ, Channer KS, Parry H, Downes T, Jone TH. Bio-available testosterone levels fall acutely following myocardial infarction in men: association with fibrinolytic factors. Endocr Res. 2002 Aug;28(3):161-73.

  15. Singh PB, Matanhelia SS, Martin FL. A potential paradox in prostate adenocarcinoma progression: oestrogen as the initiating driver. Eur J Cancer. 2008 May;44(7):928-36.

  16. Ellem SJ, Risbridger GP. Aromatase and prostate cancer. Minerva Endocrinol. 2006 Mar;31(1):1-12.

  17. Cavalieri E, Rogan E. Catechol quinones of estrogens in the initiation of breast, prostate, and other human cancers: keynote lecture. Ann NY Acad Sci. 2006 Nov;1089:286-301.

  18. Bosland MC. Sex steroids and prostate carcinogenesis: integrated, multifactorial working hypothesis. Ann NY Acad Sci. 2006 Nov;1089:168-76.

  19. Roddam AW, Allen NE, Appleby P, Key TJ. Endogenous sex hormones and prostate cancer: a collaborative analysis of 18 prospective studies. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2008 Feb 6;100(3):170-83.

  20. Ho CK, Nanda J, Chapman KE, Habib FK. Oestrogen and benign prostatic hyperplasia: effects on stromal cell proliferation and local formation from androgen. J Endocrinol. 2008 Jun;197(3):483-91.

  21. Lowsley OS. The development of the human prostate gland with reference to the development of other structures at the neck of the urinary bladder. Am J Anat. 1912;13:299-348.

  22. Prins GS. Development of the prostate. In: Haseltine F, Paulsen C, Wang C, editors. Reproductive Issues and the Aging Male. New York: Embryonic, Inc;1993: 101-12.

  23. Prins GS, Birch L, Couse JF, et al. Estrogen imprinting of the developing prostate gland is mediated through stromal estrogen receptor alpha: studies with alphaERKO and betaERKO mice. Cancer Res. 2001 Aug 15;61(16):6089-97.

  24. Prins GS, Birch L, Tang WY, Ho SM. Developmental estrogen exposures predispose to prostate carcinogenesis with aging. Reprod Toxicol. 2007 Apr;23(3):374-82.

  25. Prins GS, Tang WY, Belmonte J, Ho SM. Perinatal exposure to oestradiol and bisphenol A alters the prostate epigenome and increases susceptibility to carcinogenesis. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2008 Feb;102(2):134-8.

  26. Ho SM, Tang WY, Belmonte de Fausto J, Prins GS. Developmental exposure to estradiol and bisphenol A increases susceptibility to prostate carcinogenesis and epigenetically regulates phosphodiesterase type 4 variant 4. Cancer Res. 2006 Jun 1;66(11):5624-32.

  27. Rajfer J, Coffey DS. Effects of neonatal steroids on male sex tissues. Invest Urol. 1979 Jul;17(1):3-8.

  28. Henderson BE, Bernstein L, Ross RK, Depue RH, Judd HL. The early in utero oestrogen and testosterone environment of blacks and whites: potential effects on male offspring. Br J Cancer. 1988 Feb;57(2):216-8.

  29. Giton F, de la Taille A, Allory Y, et al. Estrone sulfate (E1S), a prognosis marker for tumor aggressiveness in prostate cancer (PCa). J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2008 Mar;109(1-2):158-67.

  30. Prins GS, Korach KS. The role of estrogens and estrogen receptors in normal prostate growth and disease. Steroids. 2008 Mar;73(3):233-44.

  31. Scarano WR, Cordeiro RS, Goes RM, Carvalho HF, Taboga SR. Tissue remodeling in Guinea pig lateral prostate at different ages after estradiol treatment. Cell Biol Int. 2005 Sep;29(9):778-84.

  32. Matsuda T, Abe H, Suda K. Relation between benign prostatic hyperplasia and obesity and estrogen. Rinsho Byori. 2004 Apr;52(4):291-4.

  33. Rohrmann S, Nelson WG, Rifai N, et al. Serum sex steroid hormones and lower urinary tract symptoms in Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III). Urology. 2007 Apr;69(4):708-13.

  34. Vermeulen A. Androgen replacement therapy in the aging male—a critical evaluation. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2001 Jun;86(6):2380-90.

  35. Choi BG, McLaughlin MA. Why men’s hearts break: cardiovascular effects of sex steroids. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 2007 Jun;36(2):365-77.

  36. Kaneda Y, Ohmori T. Relation between estradiol and negative symptoms in men with schizophrenia. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2005;17(2):239-42.

  37. Zou B, Sasaki H, Kumagai S. Association between Relative Hypogonadism and Metabolic Syndrome in Newly Diagnosed Adult Male Patients with Impaired Glucose Tolerance or Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Metab Syndr Relat Disord. 2004;2(1):39-48.

  38. Abu-Abid S, Szold A, Klausner J. Obesity and cancer. J Med. 2002;33(1-4):73-86.

  39. Kula K, Walczak-Jedrzejowska R, Slowikowska-Hilczer J, et al. Important functions of estrogens in men—breakthrough in contemporary medicine. Przegl Lek. 2005;62(9):908-15.

  40. Anderson LA, McTernan PG, Barnett AH, Kumar S. The effects of androgens and estrogens on preadipocyte proliferation in human adipose tissue: influence of gender and site. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2001 Oct;86(10):5045-51.

  41. Lund BC, Bever-Stille KA, Perry PJ. Testosterone and andropause: the feasibility of testosterone replacement therapy in elderly men. Pharmacotherapy. 1999 Aug;19(8):951-6.

  42. Gooren LJ, Toorians AW. Significance of oestrogens in male (patho)physiology. Ann Endocrinol (Paris). 2003 Apr;64(2):126-35.

  43. Seeman E. The dilemma of osteoporosis in men. Am J Med. 1995 Feb 27;98(2A):76S-88S.

  44. Center JR, Nguyen TV, Schneider D, Sambrook PN, Eisman JA. Mortality after all major types of osteoporotic fracture in men and women: an observational study. Lancet. 1999 Mar 13;353(9156):878-82.

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