Atheists and others who don't believe in a form of afterlife, how do you accept death?

I won't know I'm dead so it doesn't really matter. It is upsetting to think about my loved ones grieving for me, but my emotions about it will stop as soon as my brain stops so I'm never going to have to really confront those emotions.

I try to take care of myself and not take unnecessary risks and that's literally all I can do. I can't prevent my eventual death so why worry about it? Besides, I think it's way scarier to end up like my grandmother did in her 90s. All her friends and most of her family was gone, her husband of 60 something years was gone, she had no independence, she couldn't really walk, was too hard of hearing to enjoy a group visit or communicate well, couldn't see well enough to read or knit or for any of the things she loved, had trouble remembering basic words, and was always in pain. That sounds so much worse than nothingness.

/r/AskReddit Thread