Attractive girls can't have guy friends.

I'm a guy, and when I was in my late teens/earlier 20s I was apparently very attractive. I was somewhat frequently approached and pursued by women. I say was because I no longer consider myself to be attractive. Honestly I never have made friends with a woman who I had a romantic interest in, I've always known from the time I met them if I was interested in something romantic and pursued it openly from the start. Anyway, I've always made friends with women easily, and most female friends eventually made a pass at me. I would turn them down and hope that it wouldn't hurt the friendship. This isn't exclusive to one gender or even one quality.

In high school I had a vehicle and more money than my friends, and I was very popular and the "leader" of my friend group, but one must consider how much they were drawn to me vs. what I was able to provide them.

The point is that if you possess anything that people will find attractive - looks, power, money, connections, a truck, etc. - there is always a chance that people in your life are knowingly or unknowingly interested in taking advantage of that. It can be tough, but I think if you have something that's sought after, you're really better off for it and the unwanted attention is just an unfortunate product of your favorable situation.

Ultimately, you just have to be clear with people and if the friendship ends when you turn down the advances of a friend, then they weren't fully interested in friendship in the first place (even if the sexual/romantic attraction was mostly unconscious), so the loss is minimal. You may also be able to notice a pattern of behavior from those more interested in getting with you than in being your friend.

Also, it's worth considering that all relationships are transactions of a sort - there's a reason that most people don't pursue unattractive or jobless romantic partners and that most people who are financially secure don't go out and try to forge deep friendships with homeless people, and no it isn't just about common interests.

That doesn't excuse people pretending to want your friendship when they really want something else of course, as that's deception, but it is something to consider honestly when thinking about relationships.

/r/offmychest Thread