Banned from /r/Sex for "hate speech"

>Studies on brain structure

Ah, how I like when you people link this, it shows that you are truly desperate for acknowledgement.

"You people" lol

Not desperate for acknowledgement, but I wish I had even more studies to prove bigots like you wrong.

None of these studies what percentage of brain structure has to be different from the norm to have a man qualify to be a woman (or vice versa).

I never said they did. Whether on not someone to transitions is up to them.

Saying "there are differences between my brain and the average structure of brain therefore I am a woman" is merely your own assumption, not a scientific fact - none of the studies arrive at such a conclusion.

"The present findings of somatostatin neuronal sex differences in the BSTc and its sex reversal in the transsexual brain clearly support the paradigm that in transsexuals sexual differentiation of the brain and genitals may go into opposite directions and point to a neurobiological basis of gender identity disorder."

"A significant association was identified between transsexualism and the AR allele, with transsexuals having longer AR repeat lengths than non-transsexual male control subjects"

"A female-sized BSTc was found in male-to-female transsexuals."

If you're going for the "x% percentage of y body part = you're the other sex" kind of thinking, why not start at your lack of anything remotely masculine/feminine, why are you focusing on this one particular body part but not on the other? Or why are you ignoring the fact that your actual sexual organs are completely different, when percentage-wise the difference is much bigger than in case of the brain?

Because the brain is the difference between trans and cis people assigned the same gender at birth.

Don't give the "b-but there are women who cannot have babies" argument, you're comparing the edge cases to a norm.

Very few people are trans, very few women cannot have babies, most people are cis and can have babies.

Not to mention that most of these studies have a laughable sample size of 20-30 people.

And some of them have over a hundred trans people.

Even shitty polls for a dumb college student's thesis that prove a moot point usually have 3-4 times more than that.

Comparing shitty polls to studies done by scientists with control groups isn't productive.

>Postive effects of transition

I wonder why you didn't include the negative ones as well.

Overall it is a positive experience (assuming a supportive environment).

Oh wait, transsexualism is a magical fairly tale land where nothing ever goes wrong and there aren't any people who regret it.

Cisgender people who transition will probably regret it. That's why transitioning is recommended for trans people, not cis people.

>Scientific consensus

Nice buzzword. In the middle ages the "scientific consensus" was that the Earth is flat.

I'd take the science being produced today over some rando on the internet saying that the scientists are wrong. Sorry, but your opinion doesn't topple years of research.

You're very well aware that the world is split on the issue, that's why World Health Organization still classifies transgenders as mentally ill (source) while APA and AMA does not. You - just like many others - chose to ignore it.

WHO used to classify homosexuality as a mental illness as well. The DSM declassified homosexuality 17 years (!) before WHO. Arguing that gender dysphoria is a mental illness is like arguing the earth is flat.

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