Bartenders of reddit, what was the weirdest/craziest thing you have overheard while making someone's drink?

It wasn't an experience. I'm speaking in terms of principle. Unless you live in plato's cave, tipping is an unspoken social rule, especially if you're going to a bar in the US. I've only bartended in major metropolitan cities, so my opinion maybe a bit bias.

I always, and always tip $2-3 for every $7-8 purchase. Do you tip the valet? Do you tip your cab driver? These are all rules that seem normal to me.

Has it ever occurred to you that the guy wasn't a good person to begin with? You're story telling puts him in a positive light, when in reality he just used you for your time and got information from it. If I truly appreciated you for what you did, I wouldn't be cheap and actually gift you something of worth.

I know I'll get downvoted but I'm speaking up for the bartenders that agree with me.

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