Basically came out to mother, she said “no you are not”

thank you, and yes i’ve dressed like this for very long and people refer to me as male around her, whenever i pick up a delivery for her the delivery man says “do i give it to the young man at the door?” So she has witnessed a few times how people see me and knows that i love it when that happens and teases me by saying “bet you’re happy now that the guy thought you were a boy”. But when the trans thing came up all i saw was denial. It seems that despite her denying it she just doesn’t want a trans kid. Even though she said she wouldn’t care if i was trans but i’m “just not and she can tell”. I think for now i should just graduate and go on from there and try not to worry about getting through to her, i’ll keep a distance and we wont be as close but i’ll be respectful of course and will keep up some small talk whenever i can.

/r/Advice Thread Parent