Being fat is just a matter of luck. Checkmate, shitlords.

The critical point to remember regarding body weight loss or gain is the way that calories are used by the body, not the amount of calories consumed. Carbs calories make you slim. Protein and fat calories are anabolic in that they promote growth. This is fine when we are trying to gain weight as a baby etc but as adults, we want to be in more of a catabolic state. The demographics who eat the most daily calories from carbohydrates, simple or complex, are the slimmest and energetic. The demographics who eat the most daily calories from protein or fat, are the widest, sickest and most caffeine dependent. If you want to be slim and energetic, we got some templates for you to implement. First lets see why carbs get a bad rep. Lets create a real life example. Bazza Barnes is a 40 year old male who weighs around 75kg. He needs around 10g of carbs per kg (75 x 10g =750g) of bodyweight per day so he has enough glycogen to keep his job, play with his kids, do some sport with his mates on the weekend and satisfy his wife at night so she doesn't invite the DHL delivery man to bring an extra load inside. Bazza needs carbs to run his body and life. The mainstream belief is ‘carbs are carbs’. Lets debunk that nutritional bullshit right away. Lets compare donuts to bananas. 3000 calories of ripe sweet bananas provides around 750g of essential life giving sugars and only around 10g of fat. Donuts on the other hand, if we eat enough of them to get 750g of carbs, we have to eat literally eat around 5400 calories! AND we will get a WHOPPING 260g of FAT! If Bazza Barnes ate fruit, rice or potatoes for his 750g of carbs per day, he is only going to get max 100g of fat per week. If he is eating ‘fatty carbs’ like cream pasta, meat pizzas, beef burgers etc he is likely to be getting around 2000g per week! That's literally 104kg of extra fat the body has to metabolize per year! Now we see how obesity is created. Add fat to staple foods and watch the obesity economy BOOM! So we can quickly see the stupidity when people say ‘fruits are just as fattening as donuts, cheesecake, chocolate etc’. Sweet fruits and starches are the LOWEST human food staples in fat. So if you want to be slim, eat SWEET foods that are low in fat. If you want to wear more fat, EAT MORE FAT. The fat we eat is the fat we wear - that's why it's fucking called FAT! Carbs get turned into glycogen. Glycogen = stored glucose. Glucose is your preferred source of fuel for the approx.. 100 TRILLION cells making up your body. Less glycogen = LESS LIFE. Restrict carbs when you want to RESTRICT LIFE! But you say 'Carbs make you fat though? Why do you recommend people eat high carb low fat vegan intakes?' Just excuse me whilst I indulge in some sarcasm. ;) My 400lb neighbour just lives on bananas and lettuce and that's why he is fat. Sumo wrestlers live on a potato and lentil diet to create rapid obesity. They shun the high fat foods that create a lean frame. Kenyan marathon runners live on a bacon and egg diet and drink a quart of cream per day. They stay away from corn, rice, bananas and sugar tea. It's just a myth they live on those carb rich foods. OBESE people eat 30 bananas a day. Just go to Walmart, stand by the organic banana display with some detective looking sunglasses and observe what happens. Then go stand by the brown rice display. Go see who buys the sacks of organic potatoes. It's obese people. Fat people. It's not fat that makes people fat, it's carbohydrates at 4 calories per gram. I know fat is 9 calories per gram but fat gets turned into muscle and carbs get turned into sugar and sugar becomes fat right? Well that's what the primal Paleo carb phobic broscience says. Ok, enough sarcasm, you get my point. Here is what the real science says. The Human Body Does Not Turn Sugar to Fat The process of synthesizing fat from sugar is known as de novo lipogenesis—the new production of fat. This activity is highly efficient in some animals, such as pigs and cows which is one reason they have become popular people foods as these animals can convert low-energy, inexpensive carbohydrates grass, say, in the case of cows and grains for pigs, into calorie-dense fats. However, human beings are very inefficient at this process and as a result de novo lipogenesis does not occur under usual living conditions in people. Thus the common belief that sugar turns to fat is scientifically incorrect and there is no disagreement about this fact among scientists or their scientific research. Under experimental laboratory conditions, however, where people are overfed large amounts of simple sugars, the human body will resort to converting a small amount of sugar into a small amount of fat (triglycerides) in the liver. For example, in one recent study, trim and obese women were overfed with 50% more calories than they usually ate - note, 535 of these extra calories each day came from four and a half ounces (135 grams) of refined sugar. In this forced-fed situation, the women produced less than 4 grams (36 calories) of fat daily from the extra carbohydrate. Extrapolation from these findings means a person would have to be overfed by this amount of food and table sugar every day for nearly 4 months in order to gain one extra pound of body fat from the conversion of sugar to fat by de novo lipogenesis. Obviously, even overeating substantial quantities of sugar is a relatively unimportant source of body fat. (So where does all that fat come from? Well the fat you eat is the fat you wear.) So there you go. In a few paragraph's. Explains why people that say 'potatoes made me fat, fruit made me fat' etc are sneaking grease on the side. They are not telling you about the other stuff they eat. Fair enough, it's easy to get bacon and egg amnesia. Easy to blame the lettuces leaf/baked potato on the steak plate. Easy to blame the banana vs the cream in the sundae. Then you have people with metabolic damage, their bodies MUST gain weight in order to heal but that is covered later in this book. Blaming carbs for obesity is like blaming the snow for sunburn. It's like blaming fish for rising water levels. Hey fish! Stop peeing in the ocean so much! It's rising the water levels! Whenever I hear a fat person say they can't eat bananas, dates, melons, yams, carrots etc because they are 'high GI' therefore in broscience world 'fattening' I ask them 'really? Then if you don't eat these foods, why do you look like an egg on legs? Why do you look like a Jabba The Hut double. Why is your forearm bigger than my quad? If you didn't eat these 'fattening foods' like I do for the last 11 years, how come I'm lean and your fat? How come? Oh it's your genetics, that's right. I was adopted. My Mum is overweight. Her arms are bigger than my legs. She can't be my real Mum then. It's weird though. Whenever I stay with my Mum and cook low fat, high carb vegan food for her and flood her system with nourishing fruit, she drops weight. Her arthritis lessens. Then when I leave, arthritis comes back. Weight goes up. Weird eh? So why is there such a conspiracy against carbohydrates? Why do people honestly believe that baked potatoes make em fat. That ‘fruit is the devil’. That ‘if you eat bananas, your gonna get obese’. Heck, even in the raw food world people say bananas are fattening 'cos they have sugar in them' lol! The funniest thing is 99% of the people that say that, if you look on their website, they sell refined sugar in the form of honey, yacon, agave, coconut nectar, coconut crystals etc. What a laugh. You know why there is so much carb phobia? Well if we have EVERYONE eating like Kenyans in the USA, EU, Australia etc we would TOTALLY wipe out the obesity problem. We would drop the rates of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, chronic fatigue etc like like a brick being dropped from the Empire State building. CANT have that though! What would happen to the TRILLIONS & TRILLIONS of $ we spend on 'health care' each year? Every year the US spends over 50 BILLION $ on bypass surgery. When my Uncle had a heart attack, they chopped him open and stitched him back up. Slapped a script for beta blockers in his hand and the first thing he got fed when he woke up after surgery? You guessed it, a ham sandwich 'to build up his strength'. I mean if they gave him a plate of fruit or a lunch out of Dr. Esselstyn's Reversing Heart Disease book, that would be too 'radical'. Can't have that. We gotta stick with what we always did. Tradition. Tradition to the death. Even if it means premature death with lots of pain the mean time! HONESTLY who do you know that is fat and eats under 10% of their calories from fat You have the anorexic that has gained 40lbs and it's now a healthy BMI. But you simply NEVER see an overweight carb cruncher in the long term. EVER!! Look at me after 13 years. Some people say I just escaped from a prison camp. Funny thing is the same people that say that, are the same people that say carbs make you fat! LMFAO whilst PMSL. We have approx.. over 100 trillion cells in the human body. They ALL need glucose to survive. Glucose is the preferred fuel. Even when we are in ketosis we are turning fat into sugar. It's toxic for long periods and you feel spacey, weak, irritable and lethargic. Go watch a marathon at the 20mile mark. That's what I'm talking about. People entering ketosis and it's messy. Go watch fasters after the 10th day. I have. They are at danger of falling over. They walk as fast as slugs. Athletes reduced to sedentary paces just like in the marathon. Put Lance Armstrong in his prime on a low carb diet and I will ride away from him with no hands on the bars. Literally. What am I getting at? YOU NEED CARBS! BUCKETS OF EM! SHITE LOADS OF EM! STUFF YOUR FACE WITH EM! CHOW CHOW GUZZLE GUZZLE MUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH MUNCH PEEL GOBBLE GOBBLE. To be precise, 10g of carbs per kg of bodyweight

/r/fatpeoplehate Thread