Bernie now asking his supporters to donate to the DNC. Bernie is the best scam artist I have ever seen

For starters, that's not him, that's some like trying to milk the teets of any folks gullible enough to cut them a cheque. I'm not even American, but held Bernie in reasonable regard until his most recent capitulation. He definitely seems like the most decent and transparent of a ery questionable bunch of human beings and perhaps that was what brought him unstuck. Perhaps the fact he wasn't an avid people smuggler or would stinge out on his sacrifices to Moloch saw him regarded unfavorably versus the really bad eggs.

The way he went down this campaign, after bursting to the lead and then just getting hosed in an absolute statistical anomaly and just conceding from there says that Bernie never really did have that much fight in him... ue was merely a convenient prop who tested well in focus groups. His job was to legitmize a contest between sociopathic fiends..... just like Obama. Thess guys are the mortar that holds the faux democracy together. Without them and their ilk, soceity would have rushed much more quickly to the realisation you guys are lying, thieving, cunts

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