Boxer John VanMeter allegedly killed by 12-year-old boy in Uvalde, Texas

Most people replying have never and will never be in that situation.

Standing around young iraqi kid, around 9 comes running towards us yelling something holding his hand out.

I took out my 9mm and start yelling back "awgawf Tara ameek" or something I can't remember exactly how to spell or if remember correctly how to say it. It means "stop or I'll shoot."

He keeps running, hand out- I must be the only one who notices him because we're in the IZ, getting reading to leave the wire, eveyone else in the squad is still smoking and joking doing PCI on their gear.

Squad lead finally notices my commotion and goes darting after the kid tackling him.

The kid had a spent .50 round from our M2 that he saw fall off our truck and wanted to return to us.

I think about that often. At the time, I was a new father-- I hadn't met my son yet because he was born while I was there. But it was flashing through my mind.

Fact is. You don't know what the fuck you are going to do until it happens and you better hope you are right. I am thankful I hesitated that day and thankful for how my squad leader reacted with out hesitation.

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