Boyfriend (22m) wants me (20F) to go stay with him, it’ll be my first time being so far away from home for a long period of time if not forever.. what does it mean to stay “as long as I want” and how long should I actually stay??

We communicate,

If you have no idea what he means by "staying over", nope, you don't really communicate properly. And it's not your job to ask tons of "why" questions to get to the bottom of issues.

However I was thinking of probably only staying a month or two and then heading home to give him a taste of what it’s like to live with me and feed the physically attention we both lack

Start out with a few WEEKENDS. Srsly, you've only dated for 6 months so far, which is nothing. See how the weekends go, and if you're compatible, you can start talking about staying longer. At that point you should also dicuss finances (e.g. who pays utilities? who pays for food? what do you do if you have a fight? what do you do with chores? etc.)

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