Bread-eating vegans are party to mass animal murder

So... I don't actually have a problem with vegans? I have a problem with judgemental and vocal vegans. I was on a work site that consisted of mostly vegetarians and vegans. Maybe only four of us ate meat. We were not being paid for our work, but were instead being given a free lunch. Well the owner had gone to the store and purchased a vacuum sealed package of cheap turkey slices so that us meat eaters could get the protein we needed without having to choke down unfamiliar soy paste products - which I considered very thoughtful of him. But one of the other workers decided to be a snotbag. She loudly proclaimed that we were eating murdered animals, and went on to discuss the brutal method in which they were likely killed... while we were divvying up our pressed turkey slices.

THAT is why people shit on vegans. We meat eaters discussed in depth, for the remainder of the day, where we could buy some fresh blood and drink it in front of her. We talked about what meats we could safely eat raw while she watched. She made four enemies that day. And for the rest of my life from that day to this... I cannot tolerate vegans putting their beliefs on proud and morally superior display. If you want to eat that way... and you need to mention it at a meal so you can get the food you want? I have zero issue with that. Make one comment about what I'm eating, though, and I will most certainly despise you.

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