But she was hungry for 2 whole hours! (link in comments)

Well it's not as rigid and predictable as I'd like, but a typical day involves complete fasting (only water and straight tea) from when I wake up until around 4-7pm when I get home, at which point I lay out and eat a single huge meal in the space of 4-6 hours (finishing at least 3 hours before bed no matter what).

What I eat varies, but the meal always consists of some kind of lean meat (or lentils if meat isn't available), a good mix of vegetables (often slathered in olive oil/vinegar), and, if I can help it, things like wholegrains, nuts and Greek yoghurt. Not gonna lie, I usually eat something snacky as well afterwards.

NOTE: With IF, there are no strict dietary guidelines or limitations aside from the recommendation that you eat carb-heavy foods last, and that your eating be constrained to the single 4-8-hour eating window. Don't stress too much if you have to make the odd exception for for a social outing or something. Just use your best judgement and you'll be fine. My main tip would be to eat a shitload of protein and fat (anything but trans is fine really) and greatly decrease your body's reliance upon carbohydrates (non-sweet 'complex' carbohydrates like rice/pasta/potatoes are fine in moderation, but try to limit anything overtly sweet). I can go into more detail about the reasons behind all this^ if you'd like. And FYI: on Friday I loosen the schedule a fair bit and usually grab take-away; Friday is my 'fuck it' day.

Exercise and IF are purportedly very synergistic, as throughout a prolonged fasting period the body metabolises fat stores and releases increasing levels of testosterone and growth hormone. If you're going to exercise (particularly lifting), you do it right before you eat (within an hour), and you start your meal with something protein-rich.

DISCLAIMER: IF can be less effective for women. If you're female, I suggest you do some further research before deciding.

/r/fatpeoplehate Thread Link - i.imgur.com