CAFE has been banned from all future Toronto Pride events.

Jonathan, I understand your frustration, but care has to be taken if you want to create real change. It is easy to adopt the radical and angry tactics of the SJWs but it is not advisable.

The key is to understand the psychology of the Average Disinterested Person (ADP). This is the person whose mind you are trying to sway. These ADPs are the key to getting what you want.

Who is the ADP? The ADP is someone in the majority of everyday people who don't pay a lot of attention to gender politics, who haven't thought about the issues very much, and who don't have strong feelings in any direction. Due to their sheer numbers, if you can get the ADP on your side, you have the means for real change.

SJW strong-arm tactics do NOT create real change, as they do not really move the ADP to their side. They might create the illusion of change by intimidating people into doing things they want, but this is not real, and I'll explain why.

Imagine a 19 year old ADP goes onto Twitter. Earlier, she got into an argument with a black person at her low level, minimum wage job, so she decides to vent about it by posting an angry mini-rant. In this rant, she uses an offensive racial slur, not because she hates black people, but because she is angry at the person and she knows that the person wouldn't like that word. SJWs respond by getting upset, yelling at her on Twitter, finding out her place of employment, and getting her fired. Now, what did that teach her? Did it teach her why using such racial slur is wrong? No. Did it make her any less racist? No. If anything, it made her more racist, because now she associates black people with losing her job. The only thing it taught her is not to put that stuff on Twitter. What does that lesson accomplish in the long run? Nothing real; it didn't change her mind about anything (at least not for the better). The action created the illusion of progress that does nothing except make the SJWs feel good.

Another example is that some SJWs recently had a protest in my city for "blacklivesmatter" where they blocked off a major road during rush hour. The ADP is a regular working person just trying to get home after a long day. The ADP doesn't like police brutality, but, as any human, the ADP is inherently selfish. The ADP is annoyed that s/he can't get home in any reasonable amount of time due to this protest. So the ADP associates the protesters and their cause with rudeness and annoyance. S/he ultimately dismisses them as a bunch of crazies. So, ask yourself, how does this help end police brutality?

By contrast, Martin Luther King understood the ADP. When he spoke about equality, he spoke about the common humanity of black and white people. He made the ADP feel good, and feel like the black person was his/her friend. He made them feel like supporting black people made them good people. He marched activists into hostile environments where bigots laid themselves bare in front of the nation by beating and killing the innocent marchers. This horrified the ADP watching the marches, speaking vividly to them about the horrors of racism. This led to real, lasting change in our culture.

I believe that the ADP hates SJWs, but s/he is simply afraid to say anything that goes against them. Thus, SJWs think their tactics are effective. In reality, however, the tactics are the activist equivalent of cleaning your room by pushing all your toys and dirty clothes under your bed.

To turn people against feminism and towards equal rights, you have to understand the ADP. In my opinion, and you may disagree, the ADP supports woman's rights although they might dislike the more radical aspects of feminism. However, s/he does not dismiss the entire movement, as "the man haters are just some crazies." . The ADP is baffled by Men's rights, with their opinions shaped by one-sided negative propaganda.

Thus, organizations like CAFE are on "double secret probation.". Any hijinks, crazy statements, violence, and the ADP will dismiss CAFE out of hand. They must be on their best behavior at all times and they must learn about and cater the message to the ADP.

Hope that gave you some food for thought.

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