Can we please get back to what matters? We have real lives off the internet where real workers are suffering.

The reason this sub is having a crisis is because it was never right vs left. It was us vs them. If you want to create, run or move a labor movement forward the absolute idiocy of alienating potential joiners because of certain ideologies not aligning congruently in total with your political spectrum is just narrow-minded.

A movement requires all sides to find common ground. Antiwotk refuses to break bread even in the middle ground. Some people may not agree with you socially, but 1.7MM people agreed workers rights were important.

This schism is terrible. I'm seeing communist vs socialist, socialist vs liberal, liberal vs neo-liberal. That isn't even before the hatred, name-calling, and everything in between for conservative brothers and sisters. And for what?

When all of us have common complaints but no perspective, where is the movement even headed?

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