Can someone explain the Tripod Storage and Retrieval System?

It should come to NA, we just don’t know when. When you go to the tripod vender person to do your tripods, the inventory part of tripods will be going away, instead how it will work is any tripods you knew before the system changes will be known forever. This is why a lot of the KR streamers are advising buying level 4 tripods or using your level 4 tripods to learn in your inventory, meaning you do not rng put it on your current gear. You instead save it to a slot in your inventory ( if you buy or have a helm that has a level 4 tripod on it you will have to put it in the helm slot in the tripod inventory to save it so make sure if you do this you don’t just buy pieces without checking which open slots in your inventory you can put that piece) for example: I bought one of the tripod sheets as my there were used for current gear, I used that new inventory page to put all my saved level 4 tripods that I need for my class that are currently not level 4 on my gear so that when the system does come out I’ll have them all learned. I play bard so I don’t need as many as some DPS do (15 to be exact instead of the 18 you can have on you gear at one time) the new system still has the rng a spec to it if it is not a highest level tripod that you have already, so if let’s say you have only a level 2 tripod then when that system comes out you will only have learned level 2 instead of level 4, that is why people are now learning them in their tripod inventory for the new system. I hope I explained this well enough, if you need more help I can try to explain more.

/r/lostarkgame Thread