Canada Legalizes Physician-Assisted Dying

Thats easy to say its what needs to be done, but you really havent contributed anything to help move this situation forward. How do you suggest going about to allow incurable conditions allowing intolerable pain to be allowed? Pain is subjective. I could suffer from diabetes, be seemingly completely sound of mind, and say the pain from it daily is too much and I want to be killed. Should diabetes patients be allowed a right to PAS as much as stage 4 lymphoma patients, when both patients claim to be suffering just as much? Are you willing to kill that diabetes patient?

Second, sound of mind. Say i turn 18, have huntingtons disease but am not experiencing symptoms nor suffering. I am of sound mine to make the decision to say I want to die when the symptoms become too much. Fair enough. Now 8 years later symptoms begin to show, but my life has changed and now I have a family and network of dependence that I dont want to/cant leave behind anymore. Since my sickness is in full effect, even though I am actively telling my doctors I still want to live, do they have a right to claim I am no longer of sound mind and are morally obligated to act upon a directive given years before by an individual at a completely different stage in their life who was of sound mind?

While I tend to agree that PAS is to the benefit of any society, you have to understand its not as clear cut as we wish it would be. There are children who would say their entire lives they have experienced intolerable pain in the form of depression, so when those kids turn 18 and have yet to really experience and understand the diversity of the world we are supposed to give them the choice to have someone kill them?

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