Canada's anti-abortion movement is rebranding — and pushing for political impact

I understand that, and I realize I was being a bit aggressive in my responses it's just a lot of this recent resurgent in anti-abortion talks makes me quite angry.

I can't say I would act one way or another. because I've never been in that situation but the discussion itself has already happened here in Canada, and we have reasonable rules for the process. The push for "no abortion at all" seems to be coming mostly from what I would call hypocritical christian groups. People who take parts of the bible as literal and others as parables to live by. As well, these groups would gladly have the old and new testament as law as long as its their preferred meanings.

My catholic high school years ago organized a "social justice" trip to Ottawa to protest abortion for example, which always rubbed me the wrong way just because you see so much "non-catholic" behaviour when you deal with it every day.

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