Canadian psych professor swarmed by narcissistic trans activist for not submitting to their pronoun demands

How can you reconcile your acknowledgement of Leftist misogyny with your claim to be a commie and your complaint that other commies don't accept your views on patriarchy, but then turn around and tell me I'm not welcome here because I'm critical of Marxism.

in your own words:

I'm a commie and subscribe there but never comment. TERFs aren't welcome anywhere, don't you know? Yes, they watch us. It is very frustrating that gender abolition and belief in sex-based (materialist) oppression is seen as reactionary but literally believing in male and female brains (idealist) is progressive and good. Leftists hate women, too. That won't stop me from being a communist but I will always name myself as a "radical feminist communist." They might shoot me when the revolution comes but I will not bend to the demands of my oppressors--MEN.

Here I am, supportive of the criticisms being leveled against the people who marginalize you, and you're saying I'm unwelcome here because I support this criticism.

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