I can't leave my Narcissistic step-father.. I am 24, what can I do to leave in the NYE?

First, I am really sorry to hear all of this and none of this is true. Your parents don't sound like parents at all, but rather, big mean children. They may be intimidated by your becoming independent because it is a threat to them, but I am no expert but I do not know. I have two narcissistic parents ~ both emotionally absent/unavailable, and unvalidating. They make small remarks intended to bring you down or poke fun at your faults. They both lack a true sense of worth and self-confidence and are unfit as parents. My step-dad has two daughters who want nothing to do with him (his biological daughter and me), a daughter who loves him dearly, but I don't believe recognizes his serious LACK as a parent (and I don't have the heart to tell her and don't know if she's at an age where she should know ~ I'm searching God's heart so that he will help me find a solution and act rightfully) and is going through his THIRD DIVORCE. Besides, moving out, the only thing I have found to help ~ A LOT ~ is inviting Jesus Christ into my heart and asking Him to make it right. I've found that he doesn't brush my experiences aside, but rather, helps me to acknowledge them (my parents would rather I not be aware of what kind of people they are so they can maintain the illusion that they are good parents) and works through my heart to show me how to handle interactions with my parents without giving over my power to them. I'm coming to find how much this bothers my mom, because she realizes she cannot control me since I am no longer interested in impressing her ~ something I have been trying to do my entire life. But the thing is, she's not even impressed with herself, and I definitely have a bad taste in my mouth after coming to realize how much Jesus truly loves me and wants me to be happy. I'm finding that things are slowly but surely working out for the better (for example, I found this subreddit so that my experiences could be validated). Anyways, this may be a sideways way of saying I'm sorry you're going through that, I'm not happy with my parents either ~ they're pathetic, and if Jesus helped me and he wants to help you too. And if you don't think that's really for you, that's okay too, and everything will be okay. :)

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread