Why I Can't Be a Math Teacher

Look, I understand that you on a personal level might not use calculus often, but saying it's "a useless cunt of a subject" is just factually incorrect. It's one of the most widely-used branches of math in the world, by engineers and statisticians and many many people. I guarantee you there are even field biologists who have needed to use calculus for something they did at one point.

The other point is that you learn calculus because it teaches you how to think hard about problems, and it trains your brain in a way very few other subjects do. You're evidently pissed at it: that's proof that it's difficult, and it's difficult because it requires you to think in a different way than you otherwise would.

These different (and harder) ways of thinking are applicable in all fields of life, and it makes you a smarter person in general.

(also i would argue that "had the intelligence or at least the academic rigor to pass calculus" is a useful metric and it is one of the things that makes your college degree valuable in the eyes of employers, but I digress)

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