Catalonia has 'won right to statehood'

classified information is not yours to spread. How would you like it if I took your personal credit and identifying information and made it public? Would you like it if anyone could have access to your personal bank account and all your money? Yeah, no government wants it's classified information spread because it's dangerous.

Information on the US government murdering civilians in a foreign country? Spying on their own citizens? Meddling in foreign democracy? Doesn't seem like the US government should be hiding that from the electorate. No, it's not dangerous, it just makes them look bad, and oppressive.

Oh, you use an example of my personal information being spread around? I'm a private citizen, not a government. Now, if I were a violent criminal, and tried to keep that hidden, then would someone have to right to spread that private information around? Or do you suddenly change your tone when that's the case? Because that's what is being argued here, not spreading the government's address or credit card details.

Really? Have you ever heard of a "Gulag"? The USSR did not tolerate dissidents.

Ever heard of Guantanamo, Chelsea/Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, and Edward Snowden?

Also, you said that I would be killed for disagreeing with the government, not imprisoned. Plenty of people were imprisoned but not killed in the USSR.

You're just saying random shit now. If we're talking about the United States, don't just say some vague garbage to back up your flawed statements. In the United States (which was the original topic) the right to protest is protected.

Especially during the Kent state shootings. You can write down this shit in law all you want, what matters is what happens in practice.

What are you even trying to say? You seem to think that all laws are the same, that a law against terrorism is the same as a law prohibiting the mentally ill from owning a gun.

You can be imprisoned for owning a firearm without a license, even if you aren't mentally ill. You are building a strawman here.

Stating the obvious =/= clever or insightful response. You clearly misunderstood why I mentioned Syria and are trying to save face.

Your example was only useful if the US being a tyranny was dependent on it being just as bad/worse than Syria. That's not relevant to the point. I clearly understood why you mentioned Syria, because it's much less free than the US. I've responded by explaining how that doesn't mean anything. Freedom isn't decided comparative to other nations, it's an absolute, not a relative measure. Just because Syria is less free than the US, doesn't make the US tyrannical.

It's nice that we agree, but now I'm wondering if you have are having trouble reading English.

Obvious typo. Don is only 1 letter away from do.

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