Catcalling revenge

I'm going to go against the grain here. THANKS. I hate it when men say polite words at me and I'm expected to indulge them with polite conversation or a polite response. Maybe I have my headphones in for a reason? Maybe I'm working on a really important report for work and you interrupted my thoughts. I don't go around to men saying "hello fellas"- you know what that's called? An invitation apparently. No there's nothing REALLY offensive about saying "hey ladies", but the douche canoe on the bike proved that he wouldn't have said anything/forced that interaction if he had of known there was a guy there. I'm so sick of inane conversation being directed at me when I'm just trying to go about my life and the expectation that I'm supposed to just be polite and go along with it. Normally I just use my resting bitch face to ward humans off but last week I took the polite path after one of those "hello how are you?" (All I said was "I'm well thank you") Interactions was machine gunned at me on the street. That ended up with an old man (I'm in my 20s) asking me on a date. Uncomfortable. Gross. Threatening. Fuck off. I'm over it. If one guy out there steps out to at least stem the flow here and there I COMMEND THAT EFFORT- don't be discouraged. Ha after that tanti- bring on the down votes!

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread