Chicago to pay reparations to ~100 police torture victims

Except this time, we're the Nazis. It's us. We're the bad guys.

No. I refuse to be labeled that. It's the far right/ republicans.

  • They waste tax payers time & money on hate filled purposes. Gay marriage.

  • They are war hungry, warrior worship, but don't give a shit about vets when they return. You always hear a republican bragging about buying a soldier in a bar a beer. But you never hear about one giving an alcoholic veteran begging for change a single dime.

  • They blindly support law enforcement even when presented with outright evidence of abuse. They even condone it and encourage it.

  • They want to kill other Americans for exercising their right to protest. How many times did you see far righters/ repubs saying things like, "too bad we don't have a steamroller" or, "where's a nuke when you need one" or my favorite, "why go to the range when we have pop up targets walking the streets"

  • They want to keep marijuana illegal based on 60+ year old propaganda & lies. The negros are gonna get high and rape every white woman in sight!

  • They fight to combine church & state. Meanwhile, they are some of the most hateful people to exist.

I could keep going...

All I know is, if we get invaded, I'm not fighting for this country. It's not worth defending anymore.

We've already been invaded. The far right and the republicans that back them have to go. There's absolutely no fucking excuses for their behavior at this point in history. None.

All republicans aren't bad. I know some who are awesome people. But if you sit there and follow the same people who propagate hatred without speaking out against them, you're no better than they are.

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