Childhood upbringing differences rearing ugly head in parenting decisions. Communication help?

Some background: I'm grew up solidly upper middle class. My parents are both successful executives who still managed to be actively engaged in my childhood. They were both big proponents of gentle discipline, as well as keeping up to date on the latest scientific/medical guidelines for safety and child development. These values have been successfully instilled in me, and I thought my husband felt similarly particularly when we used to speak theoretically about hypothetical future children.

What are your methods? The stuff associated with the term "gentle discipliine" includes a lot of stuff with no scientific evidence basis. Frankly, I can't tell if you will be better than he is in terms of actual effectiveness.

The methods that perform best in randomized controlled trials avoid spanking and yelling, so they are gentle in that sense, but they are not what is typically referred to as "gentle parenting".

If you find that your discipline methods are not working well in a year or so, then that will just embolden him.

/r/Parenting Thread