China jailing Uighur Muslims simply for being under 40 years old, leaked docs show

No, I'm simply just pointing out how futile it is and how we pretend to care, but the truth is we don't. You know what I'm going to do today? I'm going to go to work, to earn money to spend on myself such as buying a PS5 and Cyberpunk 2077, probably watch some porn, eat some McDonalds, surf some Reddit and YouTube vloggers I'm subscribed to, and basically fuck around. China doesn't affect me, because I don't live in China. Uighurs don't affect me, neither do Falun Gong, neither do Tibetans, neither do Hong Kongers. In fact, the only thing that I found interesting was that some slut was having sex with Swalwell's staff or the Ohio mayor, would love to see some videos they took that might pike my (and rest of the US public's) interest. Uighurs being persecuted and having their organs live harvested certainly doesn't, sucks to be the right? But if you're gonna care about that shit, you might as well care about animal rights and that documentary Dominion that Joaquin Phoenix tried to raise awareness about because they're pretty much having their organs live harvested too.

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