Circumcised males of reddit: If you could undo your circumcision, would you?

20 Functions of the Foreskin

This list is intended to be exhaustive (including all functions, no matter how trivial, just as the most trivial of reasons to circumcise is taken seriously), in descending order of importance in each section.



Erotic pleasure, especially via the ridged band and Meissner's corpuscles


Acts as a rolling bearing in intercourse and masturbation


Prevents dyspareunia (painful intercourse)


Stimulates partner's genitalia, giving erotic pleasure


Supplies skin to cover the shaft in erection and prevent tightness


Stores pheromones and releases them on arousal


Stores, releases and helps distribute natural lubricants ("smegma" and pre-ejaculatory fluid)


Makes the glans a visual signal of sexual arousal


Provides a seal against the vaginal wall to contain semen



Prevents the glans becoming keratinised, and keeps it soft and moist


Protects the thin-skinned glans against injury

But you know what happened to me when I was 10 years old? I was playing on a playground and slipped down a wet slide backwards. I landed facedown at the bottom. The ground was covered in rocks there from someone who had dumped a pile at the bottom of the slide. I scratched up my legs and stomach and tore my penis skin. It was hanging almost from a strand. The doctor made sure it was clean and sealed it with glue. Do you know what he said to me? He said, "If you were missing your foreskin, you would be having cosmetic surgery right now." My penis skin saved me from surgery!

  • LK, aged 13 on The Daily Guggie Daly, Februrary 1, 2011


Protects the nerves of the glans, retaining their erotic function


In infancy, protects the urethra against contamination, meatal stenosis, (and UTIs?)


Provides lysosomes for bacteriostatic action around the glans


Pigmented, it protects the unpigmented glans against sunburn


Vascular (rich in blood vessels that bring heat to the tissues), it protects the less vascular glans against frostbite, as Sir Ranulph Fiennes found on his epic transpolar walk.


17As a tag with which to pull the penis out through the fly


Provides skin for grafts to burnt eyelids, reconstructive surgery, etc.

... to close an ulcer on his shin, caused by an auto accident. ...

Hawaiian_Gecko in the Washington Post, December 28, 2013

19 Provides sensitive skin to line the vagina in male-to-female sex-reassignment surgery


"The foreskin is important embryologically in the formation of the end of the penis and the urethra. If there is no foreskin the urethral opening is not at the end of the penis where it should be, but somewhere on the underside of the penis (hypospadius [sic])." - Dr Edgar Schoen (!) (but he claims that is its only function)

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