Cis woman posts in BDSMPersonals and mentions she likes to crossdress. 300 comments. Mostly two users arguing over whether or not it is even possible for a woman to crossdress because "men's wear is unisex wear" according to a very persistent user. Bonus cooldownbot war inflates number of comments

I'm pretty sure OP means wearing clothing from the men's section cut for male bodies, which would be a bit noticeable (probably, depending on body type I guess), and would be against social norms, especially if it's the wrong size, which she mentioned in other comments (when someone asked her for an explanation she said she likes to wear oversized clothing)

Like, if I (a medium sized woman) went to a suit store and bought a woman's suit in my size, wearing it obviously wouldn't be cross dressing.

But if I went to my brother's house and put on his suit, even though we're around the same height and weight, it would probably look noticeably poorly fitted and might make someone say "... Is that a men's suit?"

And if I went to my 300 lb. dad's house and put on one of his suits, I don't think anyone would look at me and think it's actually my clothing. I'm not sure if they'd instantly assume it's crossdressing (since the clothing would be so oversized, all you'd be able to observe is how wrong it is), but it would definitely be, uhh.. Something? Something against social norms anyway

Alternate explanation: maybe OP likes to dress like a drag king (eg. Fake beard, padding, makeup etc) but is so bad at explaining herself that nobody in the thread could figure that out from her... Unique writing style.

Joke alternate explanation: maybe OP is very into fashion and garment contruction and she knows that traditionally, men's clothing and women's clothing buttons on opposite sides ;) it's a very subtle form of crossdressing, très chic nowadays

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