The clapback

I get why it's easy to dismiss, but there is a lot of shit that is kind of unfair.

You ever see a scholarship for men at college? No, but you see them for women when women make up the majority of college students and graduates. They're literally giving the majority and most privileged and successful group more success and funding while telling the minority group to fuck off.

You ever see a woman sign a draft card when she turns 18? Do you know what happens to a man who doesn't sign a draft card? He becomes a second class citizen

How about calling the cops when she starts throwing shit or pulls a knife on you? Guess who is going to jail? Yeah, you, since only men are aggressors and can abuse

Getting raped sucks, huh? Imagine being raped by a woman and then being forced to pay child support for a child you didn't even know about for 5+ years. It has happened to men before

The fact is, there's a lot of men in the world that have been fucked over by the law and systems of government, and they have nowhere to turn for help. Feminist groups literally have members drinking from cups that say "male tears" and leaders that want men to be genocided and kept as animals. And when those men finally try to band together and try to help themselves, they're labeled as sexists, rapists, and all sorts of shit. It's not a fair situation.

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