Clinton Continues To Lie In Face Of State IG Report

‘Clinton is one of the most accomplished people ever to run’ By Chuck Schumer, U.S. Senator for New York, Democratic party. Hillary Clinton is one of the most accomplished people ever to run for the Presidency. I’m lucky enough to have seen those accomplishments up close from her time as Senator from New York and as Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton was instrumental in helping secure $21 billion in federal aid to help New York rebuild after 9/11. She fought tooth and nail to protect the first responders who rushed into danger when the towers collapsed and was pivotal in the passage of legislation that helped those first responders who got sick get the care and treatment they deserved. She worked night and day to protect and create jobs in New York, whether that was at the Niagara Falls Air Force base or the Center for Bioinformatics at the University of Buffalo. She also led the charge on the Lilly Ledbetter Pay Equity Act, which is now the law of the land. 20150915_ralph_interview_ReaganSons_AP.jpg 2016 ‘Look in the Mirror, Fat Boy’ By ELIZABETH F. RALPH 150916_donald_trump_ap2_1160.jpg 2016 It’s Time to Declare War on Donald Trump By RICK WILSON 20150916_Magazine_WhoBombedDebate_AP.jpg 2016 'Donald Trump Met His Match in Carly Fiorina' As Secretary of State, Secretary Clinton was not only inspirational figure for billions of women around the globe, she also did much to restore the shattered credibility of the United States, which had lost so much influence following the failed foreign policies of the previous administration. She negotiated the cease-fire in Gaza that stopped the Hamas from firing rocket after rocket into Israel. She helped secure the START treaty’s ratification, and has advanced women’s rights in countries around the globe. That’s just a snapshot of what Hillary Clinton has accomplished over a lifetime of public service to New York and the country. If you really want to stump a Democrat, you should ask them which of Hillary’s accomplishments is your favorite—there are too many to choose from

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