CMV: 1 If an animal has no use for human survival, then they should not be domesticated to be a pet.

That's funny you bring that up because I would love a pet fox as a pet. Keep note: I didn't say we couldn't and shouldn't WANT these wild animals as pets, I just don't think we should actively starting the domestication process to get new species as pets. I would love all different types of wild animals as pets but other than the reality of me not being able to care for them, I really do think they should be left alone. All of them. Big or small.

Thank you for linking a source! It took 50 years of breeding to get them to the state they are in now. Hmm. This almost got me to change my mind except for this other fact that I consider: there are already too many unwanted pets and people don't even know how to take care of those animals, let alone newly domesticated species with new and different needs. These animals will get neglected, treated poorly, used improperly, abandoned, etc. We already have enough animals going through that shit. I just really want us to stop trying to control nature.

Domestication led to pugs. What will these foxes look like 100 years down the road? Like long slender creepy monstrosities? I really think humans should be focused on protecting them in their home environment and this planet than trying to make wild animals pets.

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