CMV: The arts should not be included in STEM

lol what?

Art as a generic subject isn’t really science and technology focussed. Architecture is designing a building, mapping out floor plans... logically creating floors from the ground up. It’s also working in a closed system (physics / materials science) so you don’t design some arbitrary building which could never actually be built.

If you count artists which do abstract / expressionist pieces.. sure they might use “geometry” but it’s by no means a pre-requisite. Science and technology aren’t some arbitrary terms to mean “skill”. An artist perfects their craft and can be very highly skilled but that doesn’t address the point that it’s not intrinsic to the craft so, in general, doesn’t belong with STEM.

It’s like saying plumbers and engineering are the same thing. Yes, plumbers are considered skilled in their trade and might need some engineering principles (or activities such as welding) - but that’s a different beast to designing a nuclear reactor, say.

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