CMV: If you believe in supernatural beings like aliens or ghosts, then attack someone for believing in God- you're a hypocrite.

Both views can be held by people who describe themselves as atheists.

Cool. I can call myself a flying purple people eater... that doesn't make it true.

The problem is you're trying to put words in other peoples' mouths.

I'm literally listing the definition of atheism.

Referring to an expert scientist who holds the same misconception regarding terminology doesn't really help.

You misspelled "awarding winning world renown theoretical physicist". But sure, "expert scientist".

He's still not a philosopher, nor is he a self-described atheist. He is someone who doesn't use the term trying to tell people who do use the term what it means. It's an unnecessary attack on all atheists by trying to paint all of them with a broad brush that only correctly describes an extreme minority.

No true scotsman. Atheists believe that because that is the definition of atheism.

And I have no idea why you think you need to take over the word atheism. We have a word for "very skeptical anti-theism", why do we need to take a word with a different meaning to define something that is already well defined by its own word?

Not all Muslims are terrorists, not all Christians are homophobic, not all atheists deny the possibility of a deity.

Except there are no Muslims hanging out in church every Sunday, bible in hand, claiming that they're actually Muslims how could you possibly think any differently.

Look, I'm agnostic too. I use the label myself, because it's easier. But in my opinion everyone who is being even slightly intellectually honest is agnostic because a/gnosticism concerns knowledge. Anyone who claims to know there is or isn't a god is probably delusional.

Cool. End of discussion. Have a nice day.

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