CMV: The Rolling Stone "rape article" controversy is not a commentary on the failures of feminism, but on the failures of media sensationalism.

My point is I think your wording is obscufating this

I said "Moderate republicans can try to distance themselves from Ted Cruz ask they want, but he clearly represents a significant portion of the Republican Party."

What about that strategy do you find "obfuscating"? It's very straightforward.

Saying "Ted Cruz represents a lot of Republican's views on rape and abortion" would be clearly incorrect. This is what Ted Cruz is known for. You specifically chose him because of this.

No, I chose him because he's the tea party republican du jour, he just announced he's running for president, and he's polling at about 13% nationally. Ergo, roughly 13% of republicans, based on everything they currently know about him, would like him to be their candidate for president.

That might be driven by, or have nothing to do with, or be in spite of, his views on a single issue - I don't know, and I didn't claim any of those things w/r/t some stance he's taken on rape &/or abortion.

Also, using the adverb "clearly" isn't the same a proving something. Ted Cruz is a politician, everything he says publicly is calculated to get him money or votes. If you think he miscalculated, and want to prove that there aren't a lot of republicans that agree with his stance on something, go get some poll numbers.

I think that nullifies your point, because in the arena that Ted Cruz is unique, he doesn't represent a significant chunk of Republicans.

First, this is a side argument you invented, and in fact is exactly what I predicted in my initial post, assuming you're a moderate republican. Second, I think the onus is on you to prove whatever you're arguing here.

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