CMV: Society is overprotective of women's feelings

I was thinking about making a comment, in jest, that maybe its because the women here are ugly or otherwise unappealing (I was going to word it in a more comedic way but whatever).

Go ahead. I don't mind being called ugly, stupid, fat, cunt, whatever. If you can say it in a funny way, plus points. I never thought the word, cunt, had extra impact. Society should be made fun of, it isn't respectable. I normally stick with the gender equal "asshole" personally. Everyone has one and everyone has the potential to be one. Just in general, try not to go there with people who aren't your friends, or as a form of manipulation or directing it towards people with low self esteem. I thought those were the social rules across gender lines.

You cant just shift the blame on men even when you benefit this time (talk about having your cake and eating it too).

I generally find the patriarchy blame game innane, because at this point, the people most responsible for this are long dead. Blaming a guy born 20 years ago for a system that has been in place much longer than that doesn't make sense. If anything, at this point and in general, we are all equally to blame for any injustices that currently exist because we are all equal participants in continuing said system. Well, unless you are an asshat. Then I get to blame you more, XD.

My teacher talked about seeing the play and saying the guy walking around playing Stanley on shirt was "nice eyecandy" and commented on how hot marlon brando's 6 pack looked on the cover of our books. Everyone laughed, I didn't mind it.

Teachers doing this is gross, they have a higher level of responsibilty than a normal adult. And hopefully you see you were a participant in allowing someone to think that was okay. You should be offended and you can always talk to them after class about it.

Remember that huge incident about that guy asking out some famous feminist in an elevator?

I never heard of it. But in general, asking someone out in an enclosed space isn't a good idea. Gotta leave them a polite escape route to not imply some sort of coercion.

Imagine a bunch of men getting together to burn rulers? Would be laughed out of town.

Maybe I'm weird, but I thought most women don't really care. The average speculum isn't 9 inches (used in obgyn exams) so 9 inches all the way in would injure most women's cervixes (dunno the plural for it). After a certain length (5-6 inches), I'm not sure how much more useful a penis is. shrugs But then again, I do think most people are undereducated about sex in general, so some medieval shit remains in society. Have your ruler burning party. Live it up.

(replace women with white people and men with black people in that sentence and see how fucked up it sounds).

Thats more of a class issue, but racism is still in play. Poor people have more reason to commit crime, so being more afraid of crime from a poor person makes sense to me. Because our country is racist (US), alot of poor people happen to be black. Of course it still isn't fair, but if we aren't holding back punches here...

Patriarchy isn't all to blame, feminism isn't the answer

I'm personally ok with blaming patriarchy. And Feminism is part of the answer for me. Is it perfect? No. The full answer is mutual respect and equal opprotunity. You writing this is part of the answer too, though I don't think it is perfect either. Constructive criticism can save the day.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread