CNN Anchor Chokes Up Reporting on Trump’s Latest Racist Twitter Rant: “Donald Trump has tweeted more than 43,000 times. He’s insulted thousands of people… but when he tweets about infestation, it’s about black and brown people,” reporter Victor Blackwell said

White people really can't not be racist.

The most white people try to act un-racist, the finer of a point they put on it.

It's hard to explain but I've heard a few others mentioning it recently--- I've felt this way my whole life.

It's not that you're being patronizing when you try to be un-racist, but it's something like that.

Your very existence (and all of the oppression that represents) is racist even if you, the individual are an even-minded nice guy.

I plainly prefer white people to just treat me in whatever way comes naturally to them-- and I'll adapt.

Watching them make 1000 little concessions to me with every word and gesture while they selfishly relish their race's oppression over the world--- thinking that because they are fretting about it that it is somehow expunged from the record.

Maybe come to understand that...

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