College ladies of Reddit, what is the BEST way to be asked out by a guy?

I'll admit, I may have come off as kind of accusatory, but that wasn't my intention. My goal is to ask; why?

The best relationships I know, were built by people who wanted to better themselves. Not those who wanted someone else to fill that void, for them. But, that's just my 2 cents. I guess, I am kind of more acutely aware of this subject, as I am watching many people go down this exact path. And there's just so much cheating now a days, was it always like that?

I guess I'm tired of watching youth play this same game, over and over again, almost as if only because society dictates it. Always searching for that right person, that perfect person. I just couldn't not say anything, this time. The perfect person, is you. If you're at school, don't you think you might be too young for a relationship? One that will be more statistically likely to fall apart?

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