College students with access to recreational cannabis on average earn worse grades and fail classes at a higher rate, in a controlled study

I hesitant to believe this study because the length of the study is questionable. Recreational Marijuana has only been legal for a very short time and as such does not lend itself for long term studying as would be required of a topic this broad. There are far too many variables for a controlled study in such a short amount of time. The semester that was tested, the majors treated, the individuals being tested etc. Are they testing CS majors against Communication majors? Are they being lumped together? Are they pulling random students who may or may not be in the same major? What about the current social climate? The political climate? What are the students stress levels? Are women and men being tested separate or together? What about race? Where the students being tested already high risk for poor performance? What year are they in? How long have they been in university? Are they just smoking weed or are they using edibles? What stains are they using and are they similar? Are they also drinking? Are they also using Adderall?

There is simply no way that any credible study could have been done to satisfy the excessive variables within the timeframe of recreational Marijuana being available for college students to have access to. Not to mention this runs contrary to previous studies that found the opposite was true.

Personally, this sounds like it was thrown together to get funding and nothing more.

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