Collins ‘let the people of Maine down’ with her vote to pass tax bill, protesters say

^ Exactly this. There can be no 'popular revolt,' in this country.

The sort of person most likely to take up arms against the Govt. would only do so under Democratic Leadership. They reflexively support Republicans, Business, Police officers, and the Military. Nothing can change that.

The last time a liberal attempted political violence he was shot to death and (rightly) rebuked by every Democrat and Leftist in the country. None of these Reddit Revolutionaries were even willing to play devil's advocate. There were now any copycats and it certainly didn't spawn a broader movement. And before that, you have to go back to the 1970s with the Weather Underground. Antifa certainly isn't a broad revolutionary force, and they're only defended by Liberals when compared to Nazis. Protesters can't even obstruct traffic without triggering the Tumblr community into outrage over PoC's commutes being disrupted.

We may not admit this openly, but deep down we know the truth: The Republican approach to health care will lead to preventable deaths. Their anti-Democratic policies have resulted in a wildly unrepresentative and potentially authoritarian Govt. Their denial of climate science may seriously endanger civilization itself.

Consider Flint MI. The Republican Administration stripped them of local representation... circumvented direct voter initiatives... And worst of all, they were culpable in poisoning one of the most violent cities in America without a single incident.

We may know this, but no one in their right mind is going to endanger their family's well-being by sticking their neck out too far. Most of us do not view violence as an answer, even if we privately wish for revolution. Hell, I'm even concerned the powers-that-be will misinterpret this post as some sort of call to arms. I don't pretend to know what the answer is. But I know that violence isn't it, and won't be it.

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