This commenter on Gallus Mag's blog discusses incarceration with man-who-identifies-as-a-woman. This is becoming a crisis. We need to agitate to have women prisoners' voices heard on this issue. Men should not be in women's prisons.

Just because there are anecdotes of some psychopath that manipulated the system to get into a female prison doesn't mean that all trans women should be treated like psychopathic sexual sadists. This is lynch mob mentality. You don't have the right, ethically, to put women at risk who are trans just because of your anecdotal prejudice. :)

The general mentality I hear is "Well SO WHAT if trans women are put at risk for having to go to MALE prisons, we have to put US first," because, yes, men are often put first in our society. Which is basically saying "I don't believe trans women are women and I am totally okay with the fact that they'd be raped-to-suicide in male prisons, because at least there's not the off chance that some psychopath will find a way to manipulate their way into a female prison." Well newsflash, psychopaths are going to figure out ways to do shitty things like this, regardless. But yeah, this guy is totally fucked. Furthermore, have any of you actually met a trans woman who's been on HRT for some time? Er, at least known? I think if you talked to a transsexual woman who's been on HRT for a long time it'd misspell a lot of myths I hear around here. You'd be surprised how much hormones control. :p Now, don't take that as "the hormones make the woman." But seriously, transsexual women are not safely lumped in with other men, and are safe with OTHER women. :) And as almost always is the case, women are safe with them... because... they're women. :p I also believe most transsexual women are heterosexual, so... But I ask you--how would YOU like to be lumped in with a bunch of men in prison, being the only feminine thing around? That's what transsexual women have to deal with if they don't undergo SRS/GRS. Which a lot of transsexual women don't want SRS/GRS because it's not the most advanced surgery, and it also costs an insane amount of money (so even the transsexuals who WANT GRS/SRS may have to wait a LONG time for it), and it's not like it comes with all the benefits, e.g., child birth. I mean, c'mon, don't you know most transsexuals battle with denial for years before finally realizing it's something that's needed to make them happy--it's often HRT or death. And you just want to shit all over these people just because of some shitty set of ideals you hold, e.g., "well they were raised male," despite the fact that any transsexual's childhood is a nightmare of being made fun off and being ostracized for being "different." It's not just about personality, though, it's something a lot more fundamental, and it's hard to explain in a simple reddit thread, but if all you need to know is that these are real struggles that transsexual women have, e.g., suicide because society makes us hate the fact that we're transsexual, why would you add to that? If a (trans) woman fulfills whatever makes it better to keep women in women's prisons, and men in men's, then why the fuck are you ostracizing them just because some people abuse the system? Because some weird sense of tribalism when it comes to other people LIKE THAT who just happened to be born with the genitals that match yours?

/r/GenderCritical Thread Link -