Console shooter with aim assist turned off

Lots of hate flying around this thread. Maybe I can try to explain something.

21 Years ago, just over two decades, in 1996, a game came out on the playstation. Video games where still frequently the "devil's toys", "children's playthings", and just in general not taken seriously. It was campy as hell, had terrible voice acting, awful controls...but it had some damn good moments in it (O SHIT THAT DOG JUST CAME THRU THE WINDOW).

A lot of us had a lot of fun, a lot of video game firsts and proud moments. That game stuck around for the next 21 years, spawned 24 something odd sequels, remakes and spin offs. It has 7 novels, comics, has spawned more "themed" attractions then probably possible to count, and 6 live action movies and 4 animated ones.

Some of us just are happy to see one of the firsts that really blown up. I doubt anyone is trying to say and of the movies, live action or otherwise, are cinematic masterpieces. They do however, represent what a lot of us thought completely impossible at the games being taken seriously.

Resident Evil has moved fucking moutains. You might not like the movies for what the are, by not matter how campy and terrible they get, to me, it is just sticking with tradition of the games. They are vastly enjoyable to a lot of people, as is the series, and throwing shade at everyone that doesn't agree with you is low, even if they are primarily console games and this is PCMR.

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