Construction workers, what issues aren't talked about enough with your job?

Agreed, fuck insurance companies. A lot of people do not realize it till it's too late, but even after you pay them so much that the executives become multi-millionaires (some billionaires), they can and DO still deny coverage.

I paid those high premiums and high deductibles for years, and when I ultimately damaged by body from working so much, I had to have surgery. The insurance company pre-approved, I knew the portion I'd pay. It was tough, but I could handle it, and needed to in order to keep working. So I had the surgery. The insurance company then refused to pay their portion. The hospital didn't care, the surgeons didn't care, the doctors didn't care. They all demanded payment or my credit would be ruined. It only cost me a decade of shackling medical debt to pay it off.

Insurance companies are just middlemen dictating health care over doctors, and their sole purpose for existing is to extract wealth, not provide any assistance in health.

People conflate health insurance and health care. They're completely and absolutely NOT the same. One has created the richest executives and investors in the world. The other is a necessity of life.

/r/Construction Thread Parent