Cop Pulls Assault Rifle, Threatens Protesters For Their ‘Constitutional Bullshit’

I still don't agree with you, but that's the beauty of a democracy, isn't it? As long as we're not punching each other in the face, we get to disagree.

Well, yes and no. In my world, we disagree and the worse that happens is we don't do business with one another, maybe avoid each other in public. In "democracy" though all it takes is people who disagree with me getting together and they get to hire a third-party to point a gun to my head to enforce their whims against me because they assume I'm a felon for whatever reason.

I'm not carrying in Texas, so I don't need to know that specific law, the person who made the video does, and the cop stated it in the video, so go look it up yourself.

That's because there is no specific law, the closest he could try to claim is "banishing" but that has a very specific definition that the officer himself was closer to being in violation of. He himself admitted at the end of the video that no laws were broken and the entire reason for his accosting him was "complaints." Which to me seems to indicate if you get enough calls on a black man walking through a 'white neighborhood' the cops would de-facto detain him. I find that disturbing.

It's extremely reckless to just assume that something is against a law because potato. I can see abstaining from judgement either way but to proclaim it at such without knowledge is dangerous.

In AZ I can carry openly, even a handgun, but I still think it's a stupid law and aggressive. I have a CCW, in several states. I have more problems with Illinois (Chicago), NYC and DC's idiocy than this jackass provoking people in Texas, but he's still a jackass making it worse. I have no problem demonstrating my proficiency and obtaining, and carrying, a license for any piece of potentially harmful machinery, be it guns or cars.

I carry concealed as I'm not interested in making any kind of public statements, it's there if I need it and as though it's not when I don't. I have no problem with demonstrating proficiency by obtaining and carrying some sort of qualification certificate. I do have a huge problem with my inalienable right to defend myself being taken from me and sold back as a privilege I have to pay to partake in.

Exercising a right is not "provoking" anyone except violent control freaks. It's no more "provoking" than walking though a neighborhood while brown, the reaction from enforcers should be the same (*receives call: "Sir/ma'am there are no laws being broken and no evidence of anyone being in any immanent danger, thank you for your concern")

I'm more concerned with officers instigating these kinds of interactions than I am with citizens exercising their rights. Statistically the danger to the public is more likely to come from the officer.

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