Counting Calories is Stupid (resubmitted with proper censoring)

I think a lot of fatlogic really stems from the misinformation out there. Fatlogic does get to you when you aren't taught about calories properly and the human anatomy of weight and fat burn. These people try to lose weight gain it back not sure what their cause for failure is and then they continually read fatlogic articles(Facebook, hear from friends, etc) saying it's not even possible to lose weight and that everyone gains it back. It all stems from ignorance of human physiology and its size in relation to caloric intake.

So I read these and I mostly have begun to feel sad for anyone who really believes this stuff. And it's also sad that they feel so angry about it to spew their fatlogic back on the internet perpetuating the cycle that someone else not sure why their diet didn't work soak up and begin to feel hopeless.

As fat as I got I always knew it was my own fault for shoveling food in. That behavior stemmed from a lot of problems but when you're an adult and you keep doing this horrible overfeeding coping mechanism you're doing it to yourself and it's no one else's fault. The fatlogic I would read out there could sometimes make me feel hopeless but I knew if I just counted calories I'd lose the weight again. Counting calories isn't a temporary thing, you need to keep doing it if you wanna keep it off. I also knew from being back on livejournal a long time ago that anorexia communities had people posting their intake and a lot of them ate junk food but counted the calories and were still tiny and losing weight.

What was I saying? Oh yeah, the longer I read this page the sadder I feel for the posters in these situations and also sad for anyone who doesn't know better to not believe it to be true. There's so much ignorance out there. It's insane. The comments here are what really bring me in and less so the posts since most of them are based on Tumblr people that seem like loose cannons to start with but I still pity them for they must feel so hopeless with their weight and bitter.

/r/fatlogic Thread Link -