Couple pissed they missed their flight. Acts pissy to airlines agent who remains calm as hell.

Found that out the hard way. Our flight was WAYY late, a few hours. My connecting flight was less than 5 minutes from when we landed. We were in Denver. My plane was the other fucking side of the horseshoe terminal. We asked before we landed if they could delay the plane at all, we were given pretty much the "This is a well oiled machine, it wont stop for you" spiel.

Luckily we had a flight of mostly nice people who let us get off the plane before them (except for a few people that I just powered past). I then booked it for the other end of the terminal. I'm a big 6'4 guy, and I was running with my luggage on top of my head so I wouldn't take anyone else out. There were two much smaller guys aiming for the same flight following me. I was pushing, jumping luggage on the people-movers, just being a huge asshole trying to make my flight. I did make it and flopped down in my chair sweating, smelling like I had just sprinted half a mile and feeling like shit.

Then over the intercom I hear "We are delaying the flight so travelers from flight (mine) can get here on time.". Fuuuuuck me

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