Covid vaccine

This. No mom should EVER be made to feel guilty for making a decision that SHE feels is best for her & her baby. You want the fucking vaccine? Then get it!! You don’t? Then don’t!! Most of these moms downvoting all the moms who haven’t had the vaccine would absolutely shit their pants if they knew how many people they’ve come in contact with throughout their life who are completely unvaccinated. Like me, who went all through elementary, middle, and high school (all public schools) not knowing my very best friend has never received a vaccine in her entire life. Was I surprised? Absolutely. And she was able to list about 10 other people we went to school with who were the same. None of us had any idea all those years.

I am not an antivaxxer. My baby & myself are both vaccinated. But we do not have the COVID vaccine because I absolutely refuse for myself and my baby to be a part of some “study”. There’s not enough research yet and that’s because all of the people who are currently getting the vaccine ARE the research. I will have no issue getting it when I personally feel comfortable enough to do so — just like I have with all the other vaccines.

My body, my choice. ALWAYS. Anyone who believe otherwise can fuck off. Bring on the downvotes. I couldn’t care less.

OP, you do what you believe is best for you & your baby. Don’t ever let someone else make that decision for you. And most importantly, don’t let anyone mom-shame you for not getting it.

/r/breastfeeding Thread Parent