Sleep training or bedsharing?

Not sure where you are from but I’m based in the UK and quite a lot of people cosleep at one time or another. The guidance here isn’t for or against it, but to practice it safely if you do. We did a bit of both, cosleeping and sleep training, concentrating on what baby and ourselves needed at the time.

At 3 months I started training sleep habits and baby would sleep in his next to me. He would sometimes end up in the bed at night if I fell asleep while side lying feeding.

4 month sleep regression hit and he was up every hour and just wanted to be held. We would start by putting him in his next to me but he would be in our bed for most of the night and often for naps too as it was the only way to get some sleep.

At 6.5 months, after he started regularly having 3 meals a day, he began to feed less at night but was waking me up regularly when moving around in his sleep. We started soft sleep training again then. First week I had to hold his hand to fall asleep, second week I just had to be next to him (whilst he was in the next to me), third week I put the side of the next to me up and now he’s on the other side of our room. He’s 7.5 months now and I’m still up twice a night to feed but it’s much more manageable than it was.

/r/breastfeeding Thread