My 15 month old naps on me and nurses to sleep for naps and at night, honestly I wouldnt want it any other way. They are only little once and it won’t be forever. Everything else can wait.
Have you tried babywearing? Whenever I need to get things done she sleeps in a carrier. She also naps in the carrier with my husband (although her naps are shorter with him), which gives me time to do stuff. And while he plays with her I can do stuff or he does chores while I nap with her. He also starts work early so he can be home early and one of us cooks while the other one plays with our child. You could also consider hiring a housekeeper. Our toddler loves “to help” (make a mess haha) when we fold laundry together and pretend to be cooking when we cook etc (great playtime for her). As she gets older she will probably help more with grocery etc, children learn a lot of skills by helping with every day chores.
So many options!