Criminalising people for possessing small amounts of cannabis 'not a particularly good idea’, says Corbyn - 'Cannabis oil use is clearly beneficial to people and that should be decriminalised and made readily available as quickly as possible'

There's all sorts of ailments it treats.

Yeah, having too much money.

My girlfriends mom died of epilepsy (seizure) when she was 8. If CBD was legal, maybe she would have lived

That's your argument for efficacy? Get on the next flight to Sweden. You're getting a Nobel Prize.

since it has shown to drastically reduce seizures.

No it hasn't.

I've seen it work first hand.

No you haven't. You've seen shaking diminished. That does not mean snake oil was the cause.

And no, it doesn't get you high.

What? I didn't say that.

But youre completely wrong by calling it "snake oil". Seriously look into it. That kind of mindset is literally lethal for some people.

The FDA already did. They heard your story about gramps and it was case closed.

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