Currently struggling with food addiction, 5 days "sober". Help discerning the difference between a relapse and normal fluctuation

If you want to treat this like an addiction then i'm afraid there is no room for this kind of thing. This is why its a tricky thing and many dismiss food addiction out of hand. An alcoholic doesn't get to have a beer and call it variance. If he does, and its fine, and he goes on like that, having a beer once in a while for the rest of his life, he never had a problem in the first place. Or at least not one that qualified as real addiction. It simply doesn't work like that. So, if you and your therapist think this is the best approach, then food needs to be substantive, scheduled, whatever the lines that you've worked out are... And if you go outside those lines then you've "broken your sobriety." Also, this is NOT the place to be making such inquiries. More specific sub reddits must exist. Or support groups, or just your therapist and support network. A lot of the response you get here will be counter productive and allow you to justify your behavior if you really have such compulsions.

/r/loseit Thread