[US] Custody for 3 year old son. Mother not capable to live on her own.

Aside from her violent behavior and her always "scream at me" voice when we talk. She's a good mom. But always depends on her mom for every decision she makes. The last fight we had sounds silly but this is how silly she is. My son recently enrolled to a daycare and they have a uniform. When I came home with my son from the daycare, her mom removed the uniform and told me that she'd hang it outside in the sun so he can re-use it on monday. I told her, "what? hang in the sun?" I told her that the uniform must be washed every day and that our son needs a clean uniform everyday. She said no, other people just hangs it outside and if we wash it, it will look faded very fast. I told her I don't care, I wont sacrifice my child's health for a clean looking uniform cause I told her that there are many virus and bacteria outside and sick children in the daycare and I won't risk my son re-using a dirty uniform only to get sick. Then things got heated and she said rude things to me and even called her mom as we were having a discussion asking if uniforms must really be washed everyday. She's like a child that can't make good decisions on her own. But as for loving our son, I think she does a good job.

/r/Custody Thread Parent